‹;.ÄŃ Jari

Meejai Korats welcome 5 new Kittens, proud parents beeing Pimu and Samut!


P. DK PrimprauÂ’s Aprilili Aries

aka Jari

born 03-04-2011

Jari with 1.5 years
P. DK Primprau’s Aprilili Aries ("Jari")
Primprau's Aprilili Aries ("Jari") und Primprau's Aprilili Aria ("Jai")

My big boy! He lives up to his name!

Jari is used as a name in several countries: In Finland it means "best friend", Slovakian "beloved son", Malay "Gift of God".

Korat boy Jari is THE heart and soul of my whole gang and since Sammy is gone, big daddy of all but granny Jeanny, though.

Jari and his litter sister Jai were born in Denmark, bred by Camilla Baird: www.korat.dk

Jari is neutered.

Jari’s pedigree:


Kobalt Happy Kaleb


Lilly Macgiulia

Pedigree Jari
