�/%�� My Korats

Meejai Korats welcome 5 new Kittens, proud parents beeing Pimu and Samut!

My korats

It’s been an exciting challenge finding breeding korats  related as little as possible to existing lines  in Central Europe, especially Denmark and Germany.

With lots of kind help from Camilla Baird and Bernd Pollesche, I found my three new feline friends. They were so heartily welcomed by my old gang. That was more than I had hoped for.

I’m surrounded by real lucky cats !

Special heartfelt thanks to Camilla Baird, Bernd Pollesche and the breeders of my three breeding korats:

Sari Peltonen, Alice Scholtmeijer-Klamer and Danielle Van Bruggen who entrusted me their korats. 

Smud-Khoi's Si-Sawat Ri-Aan ("Riaan")
